


District Resources


Cromack Elementary

Windows were a luxury, not a necessity, when Cromack Elementary opened for classes in the Fall of 1953. The new school was close enough to completion. The roof and floor were in place. The windows and glass were not. Under the direction of Principal Tom Keller, students attended classes in open-air rooms for two months until construction was completed. Thankfully, it was a dry fall and rain did not ruin the school's interior. Cromack Elementary draws its name from a well-known Brownsville family rather than an individual person.


Cromack Elementary School is located in Brownsville, Texas. Cromack Elementary School is one of thirty-five elementary schools in Brownsville ISD. The campus was constructed in 1953 with 50 classrooms added in the ensuing years. The main campus was originally comprised of 20 classrooms, a cafeteria, library, and gymnasium. A new building addition comprised of classrooms was completed in the 1977-1978 school year.